Wednesday, February 3, 2010

much has happened yet again

Ok, so I am once again going to make a commitment to write in this thing more. I am in the middle of a break even stretch, I was up 10 buy ins and now -1 buy in and all of this happened in just about 8k hands. I am trying really hard to not get frustrated, but instead to think of it as, "hey shit happens."

The last night of January I played a session where I made 5 buy ins, since then all my sessions have been terrible. I really don't feel that I am playing bad, I am playing pretty tight and trying to pay off less, I am not sure what else to do. My goal is to play 25-30k hands this month, I want to put in a big sample so I can have a decent look at how I am playing. The way things are going though I might be broke before that happens.

Since Melissa and I bought the house we decided to try and rescue a puppy. We had been wanting a playmate for Bella for sometime and decided that it would be nice to rescue a dog. I went to a pet fair on Sunday and after talking with Melissa, we decided to adopt Tucker, a pointer mix that someone had rescued from euthanasia at a pound. I was so excited and with a nose full of the sweet puppy smell I took him to meet Melissa at work and she promptly fell in love.

Bella was not on the same page. Tucker wanted to play and she wasn't having it at all. She wasn't aggressive, just very, "leave me alone." We put them in seperate crates that first night fully prepared to hear him cry but his crying made her cry as well. It was a very long night and so was the next night. There was a big change in our current situation, we are never home, ever. When we got Bella, Melissa was able to come home for lunch every day and get her out of the crate and take her out. Since we are further away now that is not possible. I have a job that has really long shifts and we decided that it was not fair for a puppy. We decided to give the dog back to his foster mom.

I feel like a complete asshole, but it was the right thing to do. It is crazy how attached we both were after such a short period of time. We are going to look into getting a puppy that is 6-9 months old instead of 9 weeks. I am really depressed about it, I hate my job and I hate even more that it limits the rest of my life so much. Forget the puppy, what would happen if we had a child??

This realization along with my shitty poker sessions the past few days are doing a number on my confidence and overall demeanor, but what can you do. I am just going to play through it.

That is it for now.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I actually forgot about this.

A lot to talk about here. I am still at AT&T unfortunately, I hope to remedy that very soon. The job market is flooded with people with better qualifications than mine, so its hard to get into an interview. Speaking of AT&T I have not been at work for just under a week now do to a leg injury that I received at kungfu.

I was working on some defenses against kicking and clashed with a my workout partner, I have a very large Hematoma(spelling). There was a lot of blood pooling down into my foot and was causing a lot of swelling, I was intending to go back today but it still is not much better than it was so my doctor told me to stay home till Thursday. It is getting better but I am not sure how good it will be by Thursday. If I don't see a big improvement by Wednesday I am going back to the doctor. I did some running around today and have been paying for it all day. So I get to miss work but I am stuck at home with my leg elevated. No beer, no kungfu nothing.

The good news is that I have been playing a huge amount of poker. I have been working with a new coach and it has elevated my game so much. He is well worth the money and I am seeing holes and leaks that I never saw before. I am actually kind of turning into a bit of a nit. So far my month has been break even but I still have some time and I am running about 4 buy ins below EV.

I finished Elements of Poker and think that it is a must read for anyone who really wants a book about the life of poker and not just, play this hand here and fold this hand. There really is so much in the book that I would say it is in my top ten poker books and plan on re-reading it fairly often.

I am currently reading, "Tao; the Watercourse Way" by Alan Watts. It was a book recommended to me by Sifu when I mentioned that I was reading some books about zen. It turns out the books I was reading were just people's personal takes on Zen and not really how a guide to achieving it. The book is very hard to read because I am not used to reading such scholarly texts. It is taking me a while to get through it but I will post about it when I am done.

Other than that nothing much is going on. I saw Milk recently and have to say it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I saw I Love You Man and it was pretty good as well. I went and saw Moon and I definitely recommend it, it is an amazing movie and Sam Rockwell really shows that he is an accomplished actor. Away We Go was also good I want to see it a second time before I say anything about it.

Upcoming shows:
9-10 She Wants Revenge at the Granada, very off the map for me but I enjoy them.
9-27 The Avett Brothers at the Granada, a must see show if you enjoy live shows.
10-5 The Artic Monkeys at Palladium, they are pretty dancey, we will see.
10-31 Ghostland Observatory, I hope they are as good as I think they are.

I will try to update this more often for anyone who reads it.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Last night

I will be putting my reviews in self contained posts because I think its cool. Melissa and I for the past few months have been going to a bar called the Gingerman on Tuesday nights. This is not your average bar, they serve no liquor all beer. Picture The Flying Saucer but not as annoying. It has the feel of a coffee shop with beer, very cool place.

We went last night and had a few beers but then left to go to another bar called the Royal Falcon to meet up with some friends of ours. I had two beers at The Gingerman and maybe 3 and The Royal Falcon and 1 shot. I am not sure what it was but it really messed me up. I had a meeting this morning at 7:30AM so I came home and Melissa was going to catch a ride with her friends. I woke up at 6:45AM and promptly threw up, I felt disgusting. I went to the meeting and almost came home but I didn't want to get written up. So I am in this meeting and just sweating and it is a total whip of a meeting, a complete waste of time on my day off.

I made it through the meeting came home and went back to sleep. Melissa and I wake up around 10:30 and she was telling me about how she had to drive her friend to her house and have her boyfriend bring her back over her. She then tells me that she doesn't know where her I-phone is. Lucky for us AT&T has a new product that can track a phone as long as its turned on and your on the same family plan. I called my manager and he put it on and it was in her friend's car. Thank god, if it had been left in the bar who knows where it would be now.

I think we might take a break from drinking for awhile. I think it was mostly the shot, but wow it was a bad night. I skipped kung fu and haven't really eaten much today because I still feel terrible. Anyway, that is really it for now. Next week starts 6 day work weeks because we are so short handed. I am really beaten down by it but at least my checks will be nice. I am actively looking for a new job and will post if I find anything that might look promising.

Until Later.

First book review

The Poker Mindset
Matthew Hilger and Ian Taylor
This was a book that came highly recommended by some friends of mine at the two plus two forums. I was looking for a book that had more to deal with personality and control than your percentage to hit a flush with two cards to come. This book really accomplished that. There were no starting hand charts and really no hand analysis at all. They lay out some fundamentals for being in the correct mindset when you play poker, which will allow you to play your A game most of the time.

There was a lot about bankroll suggestions downswings and upswings and tilt. I have had an issue with tilt for awhile, and there were somethings in this book that helped. Probably the thing that helped me the most was where the authors talked about playing for the long run and that the long run is a lot longer than anyone thinks.

Towards the end I think that the book became a little redundant. I found myself skipping over some parts and having to make myself go back and re read sections. Overall I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who has issues with tilt or emotional control. If your looking for a book that is math oriented and what cards to play in what position this is not the book for you. Personally, I believe that everyone can benefit from some info on playing your A game more and your B and C games less.

I am starting Elements of Poker by Tommy Angelo next and I have read a few pages already. This seems like it will be a good book as well and he can actually keep the content semi light and enjoyable to read. I will post a review when I am done with it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just a quick note

I had every intention of logging in to write a review about the poker book that I just finished reading but I started looking at job listings and got side tracked and now the thought of NOT laying down in my comfortable bed to write a review that might never even be read seems criminal. I will do it tomorrow.
Until later.

Friday, April 10, 2009


This is an attempt to be more positive and more consistent with my writing. I will be talking about various things here; life, poker, Kung-Fu, and whatever else happens by. I will be doing a lot of poker book reviews as well because there is a lot of useless books out there. It is super late and I have been thinking about doing this all day but just got finished with a session and decided to start it. I will post again with some stuff.